Are you really quarantined?

This quarantine days are always to be remembered forever in future. So rather wasting time in front of  cell phones and checking the social media forums hourly. Love the beautiful humans by which you are surrounded by and have fun.

Honestly speaking, parents around you are the most energetic humans because today and tomorrow they always cared for us irrespective of their unconditional love we should always be sound helpful to them in this tough times. I must say that the precious time which is being gifted by this pandemic should be utilize with one's own FAMILY rather chit-chatting on the social media platforms.

Have ever helped your mother in cooking food?

Many of them will be positive to this question but can you just imagine how tired she can be who is working all the day since you are at home. Moreover, during the last few weeks there has been no Sunday for her. Then also she can make you smile by cooking your favorite dishes. This quarantine period give your mother a gift to cook a meal for her and make her smile little more. But make sure you won't increase her work by wasting the food and by messing up the whole kitchen. At least, give her one rest day. Happy realization.

Most of the members in the family are free, instead of searching the photos from GALLERY of cell phones one should sit together in the room and go through the old albums of family. Albums of marriage, your smaller versions, any trip and much more. During this, I promise you will heard alott of back stories from your parents and will come to know secret of your family. Also, the RAMAYANA broadcast I am sure you must have listened to many incidents from past from your parents.

FRIENDS, the guys who are always missed. They are just one call away from you. Platforms like ZOOM and SKYPE are sounded boon in these hard days. The old school friend to whom you once told that "અત્યારે ટાઈમ  નથી "  This is the perfect hour to call him/her away. Definitely, you will laugh very much while having retrospection to the old days of school.

I hope you got something from the above feed.

In the end, "Wash your hands and Be Safe."

 Stay Happy and Keep Smiling my Dear :).


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