
Let's Adore!

We all have been raised up from the era of RAHUL & ANJALI, PREM & JENNY to Will Newman & Stella Grant. One thing if we notice in all of them something was very common out of all odds in their life, love and respect for the each other was their first priority. Our generation can be considered as worst in caring each other because just like instant food we all are trying to find love instantly. From replying the text immediately to making phone calls on regular basis, in all these we are trying to arrange love some how. I must add love can never be done or arranged it can be only felt. So, stop running for one another instead of that start caring and showing respect to your near ones. During this hard quarantine days, the support for each other in the family and friends is most important thing. You can be from any background, field or country irrespective of that the one thing you should learn during this dense days is to care for them.  Just imagine

Are you really quarantined?

This quarantine days are always to be remembered forever in future. So rather wasting time in front of  cell phones and checking the social media forums hourly. Love the beautiful humans by which you are surrounded by and have fun. Honestly speaking, parents around you are the most energetic humans because today and tomorrow they always cared for us irrespective of their unconditional love we should always be sound helpful to them in this tough times. I must say that the precious time which is being gifted by this pandemic should be utilize with one's own FAMILY rather chit-chatting on the social media platforms. Have ever helped your mother in cooking food? Many of them will be positive to this question but can you just imagine how tired she can be who is working all the day since you are at home. Moreover, during the last few weeks there has been no Sunday for her. Then also she can make you smile by cooking your favorite dishes. This quarantine period give your mother a g

One day Though

Well, "One day Though" is the origination of  R.Surati's fictional characters Akash and Kiarra living in Ahmadabad. Akash and Kiarra were best friends from childhood just like Timon and Pumbaa. The story goes after they passed their High school examination  .  In this small story he is referred as Akash and she is Kiarra.  A boy and a girl  were sitting by the side and having a cup of tea together. The boy was always self-determined until the flood of emotions came into reality although he never put those emotions on his face.That girl was also too strong to hide her emotions from her face. But eventually one fine day the boy lost his battle with himself and told that now they cannot be together anymore. Reacting to this, the girl hardheartedly agree  to  his best friend's bad decision  without uttering single line. After all this the life went well for both. One day though, he thought of having a word with that girl but he can't have courage to say anyth